Elsa Lokrantz is an experienced Creative Director, specialized in commercial concepts for fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands. With 30 years in the business, Lokrantz elevates brands through careful trend analysis, planning and safe Art Direction. She was born in Stockholm in 1964, trained at Berghs School of Communication and hired from 1986 to 2000 as an Art Director at the Lowe Brindfors advertising agency. There she worked with clients such as SAS, IKEA, Kappahl, HM, Barnängen and COOP among others. Elsa Lokrantz founded Lokrantz & Co in 2000.


Concept and production of three campaigns for Feetfirst. The campaigns were covered by TV commercials, on-line store materials, social media, magazines and store campaigns with some of Sweden's most famous influencers at the moment; Bianca Ingrosso, Victor Frisk and Sofi Fahrman. The company's sales increased significantly. After the first campaign, on line sales were the highest so far.

Lokrantz & Co began working with Glitter in 2013, a retail chain with 300 retail outlets and a presence in all of the Nordic countries. The first campaign was conducted with Kenza; the largest blogger and influencer in the Nordic region at the time. Campaigns included TV commercials, Instagram, store materials, outdoor campaigns and magazines.

Global Swedish hair care and styling brand. Visual concept and campaigns globally. Results: from 5 to 29 markets in five years.

Stockholm Market
Concept, name and logotype. Production of daily advertising advertisements in print and weekly production online. Neon signs and shop supplies. The concept received prompt acceptance by the target group, which resulted in the famous TV series Solsidan, in which Stockholm Market was one of the leading actor’s favorite store in a large number of scenes.

Concept and idea for two campaigns containing TV commercials and online.

Lokrantz & Co was engaged to launch Nya VITA – Norway’s biggest hygiene and cosmetic products retail chain. The VITA engagement includes producing 11 films per year, magazines, in-store material and advertisements. The concept has proved highly successful and the turnover doubled in 5 years. In addition to the establishing of a web shop, the number of stores increased from 120 to 217. 


Lokrantz & Co worked with the Scorett shoe chain. After two successful years of working with celebrities such as Carolina Gynning, Marie Sernholt, etc., Scorett was proclaimed Fashion Chain of the Year at Sweden’s Habit Fashion Awards.

Lokrantz & Co entered into a partnership with the Norwegian Varner group to create a new concept for the Cubus fashion chain. Just two years down the line, and as a result of the concept created, the Dagens Industri financial newspaper reported that for the first time ever, Cubus had posted a profit. The photo model, Mini Andén, was launched as the face of Cubus as part of a concept that covered advertising films, advertisements and in-store material.  

Lokrantz founded Lokrantz & Co AB and received a vote of confidence by being engaged to continue working with the Gina Tricot brand.  

Gina Tricot
Elsa Lokrantz created the Gina Tricot concept – everything from visual identity to communication, logo, name and concept – in collaboration with the brand’s founder, Jörgen Appelqvist. Promotions were launched for television 2004, which became a huge success and the "Pernille Look" rapidly became well known. Elsa Lokrantz directed over 100 commercials and had the creative responsibility for all communications in all media until 2008. Gina Tricot was Sweden's fastest growing retail chain at the time and had become a billion industry.

Idea, concept and production of NK’s Christmas brochure in 2004.

Chic - Den kompletta garderoben
Concept, idea and design of the book ”Chic”, a style guide for vomen in collaboration with the author Karina Eriksson Wärn, for the publisher Albert Bonniers Förlag.

Lowe Brindfors, Advertising Agency
Art Director for brands like Gina Tricot, SAS, IKEA, Barnängen, KappAhl, H & M, Coop, etc.  Elsa Lokrantz worked with everything from furniture and fashion to beauty and food.